National 5
Art and Design
Why take this course?
This Course is a broad-based qualification. It is suitable for all pupils with an interest in art and design and who have completed the National 4 qualification. This qualification will allow pupils to consolidate and extend their art and design skills.
The Course is learner-centred and includes practical and experiential learning opportunities. The learning experiences in the Course are flexible and adaptable, with opportunities for personalisation and choice in both expressive and design contexts.
On completing the Course, pupils will have developed skills in planning, producing and presenting creative art and design work. They will have used art and design materials, techniques and/or technology in creative ways when developing and refining their ideas and work. Pupils will also have developed understanding of artists and designers as creative practitioners.
What will pupils learn?
The Course has an integrated approach to learning, and includes a mix of practical learning with knowledge and understanding of art and design practice. Pupils will continue to develop skills in expressive art and visual design, researching artists and designers relevant to their practical units. Pupils will produce an expressive folio and a design folio based on themes that they have developed and researched.
The Course consists of two mandatory Units and the Course assessment. Both units are designed to provide progression to the corresponding Units at Higher level.
Design Folio (National 5)
Working either in Graphic Design, Product Design, Fashion Design, Jewellery Design or Architecture, pupils have to develop their own theme – for instance in Graphic design it might be “I am going to design a range of stamps to be sold at the forthcoming Commonwealth games based on figures in movement”. Developing a number of approaches in answer to the brief, pupils evaluate and refine their ideas during the design process.
In the course of their research pupils will investigate individually at least two works of two designers (four works in total) who have produced design work relevant to the pupil's own practical design unit. As part of a group they will produce a brief presentation on a major 20th century design movement.
Expressive Folio (National 5)
Working either in Landscape, Portraiture or Still Life, pupils have to develop their own theme – for instance in Landscape the theme may be “Washed up”. Where possible, they should produce their own research (from photographic or other sources), demonstrate their skills in a variety of media and show a self-evaluative approach to their work throughout the unit.
In the course of their research pupils will investigate individually at least two works of two artists (four works in total) who have produced art relevant to the pupil's own practical expressive work. As part of a group they will also produce a brief presentation on a major 20th century art movement.
How will pupils be assessed?
To gain the award of the Course, the pupil must pass all of the Units (assessed internally) as well as the Course assessment. The Course assessment will provide the basis for grading attainment in the Course award.
The best work from the design folio and expressive folios are submitted for external assessment along with a final outcome of pupil’s units. The units are accompanied by annotations and a written diary of the progress of the unit as they developed through the year.
Pupils will also complete a written exam about their chosen two artists and two designers at the end of the year.
What homework will pupils be expected to do?
Regular Homework assignments based on folio work, and critical research with essays, are an essential part of the course, as is the ability to meet deadlines. At this level one or two drawings a week are expected in sketchbooks over and above any official homework set. This is to develop and maintain the required drawing standard which at National 5 level is a good standard.
For full details of the course from the SQA, hit the link below
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